40 Years of Alert Engineering

25 June 2013


On the 31st March 1973 Allan Lewis opened the door to his one man general engineering business proudly named Alert Engineering Co Ltd. Allan operated his business out of the back of a Mobil Service Station in Otara Auckland for 6 months repairing cars, trucks and making parts for Lees fork hoists. A need for a larger premises was required, so Alert Engineering moved into a larger building in Lovegrove Crescent, Otara. For the next 10 years Allan and his ever increasing hand picked team took advantage of the introduction of colour television and started building colour TV aerials along with ever increasing general engineering work. The word was getting around and Alert Engineering was building a reputation of a quality service provider to industry. In 1983 Alert Engineering was on the move again to a purpose built factory at 87 Springs Road, East Tamaki, a new up and coming industrial area at the time. While at East Tamaki the business grew steadily and had included heavy machinery to their manufacturing repertoire,including, sheep abattoirs and automatic freezers for customers all over the world. Alert were the first company in New Zealand to manufacture quick couplers for excavators. In 1994 Allan purchased Ramjet International in Mt Wellington Auckland, which made hydraulic equipment for the scrap and recycling industry, such as scrap metal baling machines,alligators shears andrefuse equipment. Having two businesses in two different locations was becoming logistically difficult so Allan decided to merge the two companies together in 1998 as Alert Engineering and moved to a much larger location at 7 Gabador Place, Mt Wellington where they have been ever since.

 Alert building at 87 Springs Road, 1996
Abattoir Iceland, October 1985
At this time Alert was building and installing 
abattoirs in England, Iceland and Australia.

Side Loader Scrap Metal Baling Press June 1995, one of the first Alert
presses made.

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